I live happily in my own head, content and entertained by my own ponderings and observations. This outward look/inward analysis serves the writer in me well. I'm a bit isolated during the time it takes to transfer words from head to paper. The process requires uninterrupted time while the download takes place. Usually I listen to the words in my head and type them-- an easy flow from mind to lap top. Who needs a pen and paper these days? I ignore a multitude of distractions around me to the point that my husband will complain, "You don't remember a thing I tell you." Huh? Has he spoken? It's not that I've forgotten, exactly; it's more like I never heard him in the first place. I could well have looked him in the eye while he told me he had a meeting at six o'clock, but my look would have been the vacant stare of a sleepwalker. I may even have nodded and given an affirmative mmm, hmmm, but I didn't absorb a thing. The thread of my own thought was st...
Life is a series of snapshots meant to be recorded in words. A writer and photographer shares hers.