I met an old friend I hadn’t seen for years—decades, actually—in the supermarket today. We talked about life: snow, more snow coming, husbands, husbands shoveling, and, of course, our kids. And snow! Not once did we talk about the situation in Egypt, although I went home to the constant news coverage; maybe she did too. It’s so odd: … to think about filling the bird feeders because another storm is coming this weekend—another!—while watching the footage of cars mowing down people in Egyptian streets. …to compare prices of vitamins, knowing that shops have closed in Cairo. No food, let alone vitamins for sale. …to drive down streets narrowed by snow, knowing people narrow Cairo's streets. …to watch my son toss in free throws in his college basketball game, while other mothers' sons toss Molotov cocktails. …to live an everyday life, while, right in my living room, I see others, miles across the world, living their not so everyday lives, wanting what we all want:...
Life is a series of snapshots meant to be recorded in words. A writer and photographer shares hers.